Leicester missed out last night! There were four up and coming bands, loads of good music, good beer and a headline act that could teach Paramore what pop-punk should really sound like.
Unfortunately for whatever reason, it seemed the only people to see the show were the bands themselves, a handful of locals, the staff and your friendly rock ‘tog.
Mimi Soya are a pop-punk quartet from sunny Brighton (just how many top-notch bands can that town turn out?), fronted by petite blonde Hero. Don’t let her size and non-punk looks put you off though, even with a self confessed hangover from too much partying the night before, she belts out track after track of intense, passionate lyrics that make the likes of Paramore look like a Rickroll. Last night was the last night of their tour but they’re back on the road again straight away supporting Go Vegas and The Sketch and you definitely want to get to the shows early enough to catch them
It was my first visit to The Shed and it’s a cracking little venue. As you’d expect, the lighting is low, but happily they don’t use LED’s. I used high shutter speeds and flash to freeze the action, but if the bands weren’t quite so lively you could probably get away with iso3200 1/80s at f2.8.